SMC Monthly Report: November -December 2024
Software and ToolsSubin Siby made an interactive webpage analysing the palce names in Kerala. The
This is the third time we are mentoring and we had five projects this time around.
SMC has been around for 12 years now, and we have came a long way from being a small community of people working together for bringing Malayalam language support in GNU/Linux OSs to the biggest developer community in the country
This year was special for us for a few reasons :
We got to work with Firefox OS, a completely free and open source mobile operating system for the first time. This aligns entirely with our vision of working on a completely free software project, and bringing in indic support during development time itself. So far Indic support has been more of second stage releases, but with Firefox, we get it very early on.
We did some major work with accessibility via Sharada, the ibus input mechanism for Braille.
Both the above were primarily mentored by Sam Thibault (Debian), Rudy Lu & Tim Chien(Mozilla). This is a first for us, to work with mentors from other projects and it was a good experience for us.
Overall, we seem to have the hang of GSOC by now, and we have more in pipeline for next year - this year's list of proposals were all good (we got 39 proposals this year), and we really were limited only by the number of slots.
Some of the projects, even though they have reached their target checkpoints, need to be improved further to make things useful. More integration and testing work, example.
We still have a number of proposals open and we invite more members to chip in - we're happy to help with any mentoring needs. And we hope the students participated found this years GSOC a wonderful experience and will continue working with the community. Hopefully we will see our students from this year returning as mentors next year.
The final reports are here: