SMC Monthly Report: November -December 2024
Software and ToolsSubin Siby made an interactive webpage analysing the palce names in Kerala. The
A detailed note by Kavya Manohar.
In the previous post, I had shared the work in progress version of a finite state transducer based Malaylam phonetic analyser. A phonetic analyser analyses the written form of the text to give the phonetic characteristics of the grapheme sequence.
Understanding the phonetic characteristics of a word is helpful in many computational linguistic problems. For instance, translating a word into its phonetic representation is needed in the synthesis of a text to speech (TTS) system. The phonetic representation is helpful to transliterate the word to a different script. It will be useful if the phonetic representation can be converted back to the grapheme sequence.
The first version of project mlphon is now released. It is packaged as a python library in Pypi. You can now install it by
pip install mlphon
It has built-in methods for bidirectional grapheme to phoneme conversions, IPA mappings and a syllablizer. These three functions has command line tools as well. Tryout for yourself.
$ mlsyllablizer
For the input
the output would be
['സ', 'ഫ', 'ല', 'മീ', 'യാ', 'ത്ര']
indicate the beginning of a syllable and <EoS>
the end of a syllable.
$ mlg2p -a
Give the input
It will give you the result of g2p analysis as:
The details of each phoneme are given in angle brackets. The operation is bidirectional. You can retrieve the graphemes from the analysis string.
If the phonetic detailing is not relevant to you, a minimal mapping of the graphemes to IPA can be obtained by
$ mlipa -a
For the input
The output would be
Certain tags like <chil>, <anuswara>, <visaraga>
are retained so that bidirectional analysis and generation are unambigously possible.
More details on its usage is available in the PyPi documentation as well as in the README section of mlphon repository.
Will update the progress here. For a quick web demo of what mlphon does, checkout this link
This article was originally written by Kavya Manohar and published at