SMC Monthly Report: November -December 2024
Software and ToolsSubin Siby made an interactive webpage analysing the palce names in Kerala. The
KDE Community Kerala and SMC conducted two translathons for KDE Malayalam localization. The first translathon was conducted on 14th December at AppIn Technologies, Kochi. Second one was at PG Centre, Thrissur on 22nd December. Subin Siby took initiative and lead the events. More photos and details of the participants can be found at SMC Wiki (Kochi).
Wikipedia in association with Language Technology department of University of Helsinki is developing an open source translation system - OPUS MT, which now supports Malayalam also. The web instance for the same is available here. Santhosh Thottingal, active volunteer of SMC, is collaborating with this project at Wikipedia.
Malayalam fonts module in the Magisk Manager is now updated to support the latest version of Andoid - Android 10. Sabu Siyad's patch helped to roll out this feature. We are expressing our sinciere thanks and inviting more contributions.
Word Camp Kochi - an informal international conference on WordPress ecosystem held on December first. The one day event is conducted for WordPress developers and enthusiasts. Sessions covered topics like development, design, security and localization.
Malayalam dept of Kerala University, Karyavattom Campus conducted a seven day workshop on Malayalam Computing to students of the university. The workshop conducted covered topics like basics of Malayalam computing, Unicode and ASCII to type setting Malayalam in LaTeX.
Rachana Institute of Typography published a statement in response to Santhosh Thottingal's request for attribution in RIT fonts, accusing him not following best practices. Secretary to SMC Project, Hrishikesh KB initiated an investigation to verify thier claims and we responded with our statement.