വാർഷിക പൊതുയോഗം 2024
സ്വതന്ത്രമലയാളം കമ്പ്യൂട്ടിങ്ങിന്റെ വാ
mlmorph - Malayalam Morphological analyzer's first stable release, v1.0.0 is available now. The analyzer offers about 80% accuracy. mlmorph is available as a python package at pypi. Further details and applications can be found at lead developer Santhosh Thottingal's blog post.
Maps come in handy when you have lost your way, but they can also be great tools during natural disasters, like the recent, unprecedented floods in Kerala. During the disaster, 2,200 mapping volunteers from around the world added 4,00,000 data points to the Open Street Map, helping the government reach relief fast to the affected.
~ Manoj Karingamadhathil.
Annual mapping conference by the OpenStreetMap Asian community, State of the Map (SOTM) Asia 2018 took place in Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India. Mappers from across Asia took participate in this event. Manoj Karingamadathil, Ark Arjun and Jaisan Nedumpala represented SMC and shared thier experiences.
Manjari is available as package otf-manjari
in Arch Linux repo. This replaces the existing ttf-malayalam-font-manjari
After the success of first Koorachundu Mapping party, second phase of OpenStreetMap Mapping Party will be conducted from 22-12-2018 to 28-12-2018 at Koorachundu Panchayat. The goal is to add maximum possible data including building number to the map. The mapping party is conducted in collaboration with Geominds, SMC and OpenStreetMap Community.
Submissions of papers are solicited for the "15th International Conference on Open Source Systems" (OSS 2019), to be held in Montreal, Canada in May 2019 in conjunction with the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2019).
Conference website: http://www.oss2019.org
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=oss2019
Abstract registration deadline: January 13, 2019
Submission deadline: January 13, 2019
Free Software Community of India, along with Student Developer Socienty and Democratic Alliance for Knowledge Freedom conducted Debian Utsavam (DebUtsav) Kochi 2018 at CUSAT on 24th and 25th November. talks on topics including, but not limited to FOSS licenses, Project Vidyalaya (a FOSS solution for educational institutions), tips and tricks on GNU/Linux systems, Ansible automation, Apache Sqoop etc. Aruna Sankaranarayanan gave a keynote. Biswas T, lead of keralarescue.in shared the experience on Kerala Floods. Todd Weaver, CEO of Purism, talked about the past present and future of Free hardware.
Update: Blog posts on the event can be found here, here and here