SMC Featured on EdexLive & FSF MonthlyArticle about SMC on EdexLive print edition.Free Software Supporter - Free Software Foundation's monthly news digest featured the EdexLive article about SMC in it's June 2020
New Look for SMC Website!SMC website now runs on a modernized tech stack. Latest redesign enables dark mode and makes the website localised and mobile friendly. New website is available on IPFS
സ്വതന്ത്രസോഫ്റ്റ്വെയർ അധിഷ്ഠിതമായ തനതായ സാസ് സംവിധാനങ്ങൾ വലിയ തോതിൽ നിർമ്മിച്ചു സാങ്കേതികസ്വയംപര്യാപ്തത കൈവരിക്കാനുള്ള ഊർജിതമായ നടപടികളാണ് ഇനിയുണ്ടാകേണ്ടത്.
Indic-En Released: Firefox Extension for Indic Languages to Latin Script ConversionUsing Indic-En extension in Hindi WikipediaIndic-En, a browser extension, which helps to read major Indic language text in English script released. I found
Manjari with Tabular numbersThis was originally written by Santhosh Thottingal and published at new version of Manjari Malayalam typeface is available now. Version 1.800 adds tabular number and slashed
Chilanka used in palmleafs This was originally written by Santhosh Thottingal and published at new version of Chilanka Malayalam typeface is available now. Version 1.500 adds glyphs required to